Working in marketing brings it all together for me: I write, design, create content in Adobe Illustrator, analyze the Analytics, run ad campaigns, fix things, explain things, help people figure out Gmail, and think about how to sell more cars/wine/widgets even when I'm off the clock. My clients get a lot more than they pay for. I tell them it's a good ROI.
Influential Hall China
As I was dusting my collection of Hall China teapots and pitchers, I realized that I love the lines on the Ford Flex because they remind me of this Art Deco Hall pitcher.
The Flex may not be as timeless as this piece, but it'll always be a bit funky.
My Favorite Places
I have many favorite places in the US. Here are a few of them: Mauna Lani resort on Hawaii's Big Island, Squaw Valley ski resort (where I tore my ACL Spring 2010) and Northstar-at-Tahoe where the kids ski on the team and I work in the ticket window occasionally (and they make BIG Bloody Marys that work as a meal).
Still Life with Laundry
Meet Buster
Occasionally you'll hear about our puppy, Buster. Here he is at 10 weeks. Now he's bigger, but just as cute.